with Fotoware, Mediaflow, Inriver, CI-Hub and Laidback.
We build with you a plan with your needs, according to the budget which need to consider the working people and the optimal workflows. Sometime the right solutions could be the SaaS (Software as a Service), fast and efficient.
We execute the translation from the Planning to the Reality by setting up the system and by training the administrators and the users. The training is sometime underestimated but necessary in most cases. Even with the SaaS solution a brief training is welcome to understand the concepts.
At last but not least we consider the after sale support and service our flagship. You and your team have to feel like you were in a safe and dont need to worry about anything.
We started in the era of the DTP, period when the Macintosh was running with the Motorola 68000, an advanced processor and the creative people were obsessed (and still today) of the Apple MacOS brand. It was not necessary the faster CPU but at least the OS was innovative and productive together with the Adobe and Quark applications among the other small utilities. We supplied the hardware, software and the knowledge. Setted-up the network (Appletalk) and trained the people. Then the margin on hardware dropped down drasticaly forcing us to abandon the hardware resale, and we concentrated to:
DTP stands for Desktop Publishing, DAM stands for Digital Asset Management a new acronym. According to Elizabeth Keathle’s book “Content Architectures, Project Management, and Creating Order out of Media Chaos”, DAM is compared to the introduction of the email system in the middle 70s. In other words: a revolution. A must read in this field. For more information about DAM, PIM and Workflow please:
For extended metadata usage DAM visit Fotoware
For digital assets, video and branding in one place visit Mediaflow
For PIM visit Inriver
For plugin integration visit CI-Hub
For workflows visit Laidback
For Online Appointment Scheduling Software visit Reservio
For anything else please contact us